From my heart to yours, may the story within these pages, in someway, inspire you to overcome ALL odds and swing from the STARS!

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    More Than A Mile: The Nikki Barrett Story

    You don’t know me from Eve, and surely there are countless “self-help” books out there claiming to have the answers to all of life’s problems. So why should this be any different?

    Well, to some it won’t be. They’ll skim through the pages or quite possibly read it all the way through and either pass it along, sit it on a shelf, or, better yet, trash it. But to others, it will finally be the one they’ve been looking for, the one that says to them the impossible IS possible, that there IS a God, and He loves ME! My being here is not by accident or by a mistake made in the heat of the moment. I am actually part of His Divine plan, and that plan involves a life worth living.

    Having spent most of my life in a state of emptiness, confusion, and ultimately becoming numb to the core, I never thought the statements above would ever be a reality for me. Oh sure, I knew people it could apply to—but me? NO! I never saw myself as good enough for that kind of a life. And God? God was Someone who was busy taking care of more important things. I was sure He couldn’t be bothered with little ol’ me while there were wars in third-world countries and starving people in the streets. Yet, it was in my darkest hour—Sunday, July 11, 1999, when I sat in my car, my Bible in hand. I had taken all that I could—the end of my rope. I was saying my last goodbyes to God. Telling Him that I knew my family would understand why I did this. After all, they knew I had spent years dealing with an eating disorder, depression, and a past that was heavier than any person should bear.

    With tears rolling down my face, I was ready. Ready to drive my car over the embankment, straight down. I purposely didn’t put my seat belt on. I had hoped I would be ripped to pieces as I flew through the windshield and smacked the ground. I knew then, and only then, when they found me, they would finally see what the inside looked like. It was in that moment, He spoke to me. I heard Him, so clearly, so softly, so lovingly. He whispered, “Yeah, but Morgan won’t understand why her Meme left her.” I could feel the warmth of His breath come over me like a cleansing rain. “What?” I said in a slight whisper, as the thoughts in my head gave life to my words. “Who will teach her about You? Who will worship with her?”

    My heart was so moved by those simple words. For the first time in a very long time, I felt life. It was also the first time I had ever heard His audible voice. He knew me! He knew the deepest part of my heart. He knew exactly what it would take to breathe life into my lifeless soul. This God, who I once thought was so busy fighting wars in third-world countries and feeding the hungry in the inner city streets, knew ME! Not only did He know of me, He knew intimate details of my heart. Who is this God? And why me?

    I pray the answers to these questions will be revealed to you as you read through the pages of my journey. Most of all, I pray that this book will give hope to the hopeless. Even though life may take us down some rocky roads, as long as those roads lead us into a deeper, more intimate relationship with an all-loving God, then those will be the roads worth going more than a mile for.

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    The Story of the Rose

    There was a garden full of roses, each one carrying a unique beauty waiting to be revealed. For years, I admired them from a distance, appreciating their colors and their fragrance. Yet, one day, as I paused longer than usual, something shifted. I looked closer, beyond their surface.

    I noticed that many roses never fully opened. Their petals stayed closed, guarding the beauty within, never revealing the intricate designs or soft inner glow they were created to share. It struck me that so much potential, so much essence, was lost in those buds that never bloomed.

    But then, amidst the unopened roses, I saw one fully blossomed. It was radiant—each petal unfurled, its fragrance richer than any other, its presence magnetic. It seemed to whisper, “This is what I was meant to be.” Its beauty wasn’t just for itself but for the world.

    That’s when I realized the rose was us. So many of us live as unopened buds, holding back our gifts, protecting ourselves from the winds of life. Yet, those who dare to open, to be vulnerable, to live fully, transform the world.

    The choice is ours. Will we stay closed, safe but unseen? Or will we open, allowing our deepest essence to shine, risking the winds but sharing the fullness of our beauty?

    How will you show up?
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    From Grief To Gratitude: A Widow's Walk To Wholeness

    In the profound and moving pages of “From Grief To Gratitude, A Widow's Walk To Wholeness,” you will journey alongside a courageous woman who faced the ultimate heartbreak and found a way to not only survive but thrive. This book is a beacon of hope for anyone grappling with loss, despair, or the daunting task of rebuilding a life after tragedy.

    With raw honesty and unflinching bravery, the author recounts her descent into the depths of grief and her miraculous ascent to a life filled with purpose and joy. Her story is a testament to the resilience of the human Spirit and the transformative power of embracing pain as a catalyst for growth.

    Discover how she navigated the darkest days, the invaluable lessons learned, and the powerful strategies she developed to reclaim her life. Each chapter offers not only a piece of her heart but also practical insights and tools for healing and empowering readers to embark on their own journey to wholeness.

    Whether you are a Widow, someone experiencing a different form of loss, or a person seeking inspiration and strength, “From Grief To Gratitude: A Widow's Walk To Wholeness” will resonate deeply and inspire you to find the light in your own life. This is more than just a story; it is a roadmap to healing, resilience, and ultimately a richer, more meaningful existence.

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    My Forever Love

    With all I do, I shall always love and give honor to my late husband, Jimmy "Greek" Barrett, who stepped aside from his life so I could step forward, heal and become the greatest version of myself.

    My Love, we are always 2-gether 4-ever as it is written in our wedding rings.

    With broken wings, you will always be the one who taught me to fly. I soar today because of YOU!