Nikki M. Barrett

Author, Inspirational Speaker, Intuitive Life Design Coach

QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnotic Technique) Level 1 Trainee

Unleash Your Greatest Potential: Join forces with Nikki to conquer your challenges and soar like never before!

Contact Today.

"I am radiant love in the purest form"

I am a simple woman, wiser beyond my years, humbled by a deeper understanding of the Divine Source so many call God and the ultimate grace that comes with that knowing.

My wisdom cannot be found on the inside of prestigious institutions, but from a path of trials and tribulations, both at the hand of my own choices and from the choices of others.

Yet, it is through this path that I have discovered who I am, and most importantly, who I am not.

The pain has been released and recycled and I am now the creator of the greatest love story ever told…MINE!

I am radiant love in the purest form. I have replaced the lies with truth and my journey today is to help others do the same.



Inspirational Speaker

As an Inspirational Speaker, I'm excited to share with your audience my journey of transformation and resilience of how I was able to walk through the deepest shadows of despair turning pain into Power & Purpose, tragedy into Triumph, and abuse into

Love & Forgiveness

My mission is to INSPIRE, UPLIFT, and EMPOWER individuals to find strength in their struggles and turn their darkest moments into a source of profound personal growth.

Allow me to guide your audience through a pathway to healing and discovering the resilience hidden within us all.

They may arrive as a wounded humans, but they will leave as souls set FREE.


Published Author

"More Than A Mile, the Nikki M. Barrett story" tells Nikki's story in her own words until 2012 when the book was initially published.

A selection of her life tribulations are told in this masterpiece of inspiration.

The title comes from Nikki looking back at her life with love and compassion and best wishes to anyone wanting to walk more than a mile in her shoes.

She found the cross of forgiveness and inner freedom, attached her shoes on top of it, and is now kneeling close to God whom she calls "Daddy"

Recently updated to include The Final Chapter as never thought possible, the unimaginable lead to the ultimate transformation.

Truly a MUST READ!


Grief to Greatness

In the profound and moving pages of Grief to Greatness, A Widow's Walk to Wholeness, you will journey alongside a courageous woman who faced the ultimate heartbreak and found a way to not only survive but thrive. This book is a beacon of hope for anyone grappling with loss, despair, or the daunting task of rebuilding a life after tragedy.

With raw honesty and unflinching bravery, the author recounts her descent into the depths of grief and the miraculous ascent to a life filled with purpose and joy. Her story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of embracing pain as a catalyst for growth.

Discover how she navigated the darkest days, the invaluable lessons learned, and the powerful strategies she developed to reclaim her life. Each chapter offers not only a piece of her heart but also practical insights and tools for healing, empowering readers to embark on their own journey to wholeness.

Whether you are a widow, someone experiencing a different form of loss, or a person seeking inspiration and strength, Grief to Greatness, A Widow's Walk to Wholeness will resonate deeply and inspire you to find the light in your own life. This is more than just a story; it is a roadmap to healing, resilience, and ultimately, a richer, more meaningful existence.

Buy Grief to Greatness, A Widow's Walk to Wholeness today and take the first step toward discovering the strength within you.



My Love

With all I do, I shall always love and give honor to my late husband, Jimmy "Greek" Barrett, who stepped aside from his life so I could step forward, heal and become the greatest version of myself.

My Love, we are always 2-gether 4-ever as it is written in our wedding rings.

With broken wings, you will always be the one who taught me to fly. I soar today because of you.


Intuitive Life Design Coach

Why Hire Me as Your Intuitive Life Design Coach

Are you ready to unlock your full potential and design a life that truly aligns with your deepest desires and values?

As an Intuitive Life Design Coach, I offer a unique blend of intuition, empathy, and practical strategies to guide you on your personal journey of transformation.

Here’s why I am the perfect coach to help you achieve your goals:

Intuitive Insight: I possess a heightened sense of intuition that allows me to understand your needs, aspirations, and challenges on a deeper level. This insight helps me tailor our sessions to address the core issues that may be holding you back.

Holistic Approach: My coaching philosophy integrates mind, body, and spirit, ensuring a comprehensive approach to your personal growth. By considering all aspects of your life, we can create a balanced and fulfilling life design.

Personalized Strategies: No two individuals are the same. I develop customized coaching plans that are specifically designed to match your unique personality, goals, and circumstances. This ensures that the strategies we implement are effective and sustainable.

Empowerment and Support: I am committed to empowering you to take control of your life and make confident decisions. My supportive and non-judgmental approach provides a safe space for you to explore your true self and discover your path.

Continuous Growth: I am dedicated to my own continuous learning and growth, ensuring that I bring the latest techniques and insights to our sessions. This commitment to excellence guarantees that you receive the highest quality coaching.

If you are ready to take the next step towards a life that resonates with your true self, let’s embark on this transformative journey together.

Hire me as your Intuitive Life Design Coach, and together we will create a life that not only meets your expectations but exceeds them.

Ask Me Anything

What's next for you, now, Nikki?

Traveling the world,

Spreading the message of radiant love and infinite forgiveness,

Living fully in honor of God and Greek, and

Guiding others from being a wounded human to a soul set an Intuitive Life Design and Inspirational Speaker!

Praise for the book

Transcending so many life obstacles is beyond what so many of us could have ever imagined. I admire you for your courage, resilience, and how you handled so many heartaches.

Stephanie B.

Thank you for your radiant presence. There is something mystical and miraculous about you.

And now that I've read your book, "More Than A Mile" it seems surreal.

Gemma S.

Touching... real!
More Than a Mile was more than I expected. It connects on a personal level, no matter who you are or what you've been through. And it leaves you with something important: Hope.

Tom C.